Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hawaii #2

I hope you can stand more pictures. The first morning we were there Lawrence and Elaine took us to a beautiful botanical garden with a gorgeous waterfall.

I know this tree looks  like it has been painted but it hasn't. It just grows like this.
I know it doesn't show up very well but there are tiny yellow flowers all over the bush in the foreground and tiny purple flowers all over the bush in the background.

Even the rocks are covered in green. It is so beautiful.
                                                                          Dad with more flowers
After hiking for more than a mile through these beautiful gardens we could finally see the waterfall off in the distance.
We sure wished we had had our swimming suits when we finally got up to it. Everyone in the water was loving it.

Typical Hawaiian grounds

At the Point with giant rocks with waves breaking up against them.
That evening we had a picnic on the beach for dinner. Dad, or course, got in.
He met this guy sunning himself on the shore
The Laie Hawaiin Temple visitor's Center at night.
Dad and his friends from Fiji
Alternative Fijian Boy Scouts
Fijiian Primary
                                             Dad and the original Shakalaka guy

The steel guitar was invented in Hawaii

Hawaiian Dancers

Maori Dancers

Samoan Fire dancers

Samoan Tree climber. He is at the top of this tree.

Taking the pork out of the pit for our Luau

A Buddhist temple we visited on our way to the airport
Black swan swimming around the grounds at the Buddhist Temple

Giant Goldfish swimming in the waters

At the Pearl Harbor Museum

On the Memorial on top of the USS Arizona overlooking another war ship

You can still see part of the smoke stack of  the sunken USS Arizona

These men survived the attack on Pearl Harbor but were later cremated and then interred with their shipmates who remain under the water in the USS Arizona. It is either really cool or really weird--I don't exactly know which.

Waikiki Beach
Waikiki Beach at  sunset. Our last stop before leaving Paradise

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