Monday, August 18, 2014

August 2014 Our Trip to San Blas

This picture was taken at District Conference and was posted on Sister Carmack's Blog with the caption "One of our amazing senior couples". Since there are only 3 couples in the mission and we are all amazing the Carmacks decided to take us on a senior P-day to the San Blas Islands.

The 9 of us (3 couples, the Carmacks and their 13 yr old daughter Annie) drove the 2 1/2 hours from Panama to the San Blas Peninsula and got into a boat and went about a half hour to Dog Island.

Finally off in the distance we could see a small, mysterious island.

Unloading at Dog Island

The island was small, beautiful and uninhabited

This island had a lot more people than Iguana Island did when we visited it with Justin and Kelsey. Here is Dad with his Aaronic Priesthood Camp shirt on. Joel asked us to take a picture of him in it to send to President Walker. I tried to get him to send this one with him playing volleyball on the beach with bikini clad babes, but he didn't want to for some reason.

The water was the perfect temperature. The stuff you can see out in the water is the top of  a 100 year old ship wreck that is mostly submerged. People had lots of fun snorkeling down to see the rest of it and watching the fish swim through it.

Dad wanted his picture taken with some of his "island brothers" in front of some of the handwork the island women were selling. It is called "moda".

On the way back to the mainland we stopped at a sandbar and walked around in the Caribbean in 3-4 feet of water
looking for star fish and sand dollars. It was amazing. We were out in the middle of the Ocean!
Here I am STANDING in the Caribbean holding a live Star Fish

On the drive home Dad saw some guys building a thatched roof and he wanted to stop and help---
or at least get his picture taken with them.

The beautiful Panama City Sky Line
The Panama Canal right behind our hotel.
Again, the Panama Canal. Dad thinks he has to be in every picture. I think it wrecks the scenery! It was a great trip anyway!


  1. You two look so good! Your mission is agreeing with you!!

  2. My kids loved the star fish picture! Looks fun!

  3. What great adventures - what a wonderful mission!

  4. Just looked at your blog, Uncle Joel and Aunt RaeAnn. It is so beautiful! That must have been so amazing to have Justin and Kelsey there.
